The Medicine Membership

Join our monthly virtual medicine ceremony.

100% of the proceeds fill a scholarship fund for private healing offerings.

The healing you receive from  just sharing space to witness others in their vulnerable truth, and to be witnessed yourself is unquantifiable and exponential. That is the intention of this membership group.

The more we walk together, journey in ceremony together, and witness one another through the journey of our lives, the stronger the energetic connection among the container becomes, and the deeper we each go.

Walk through death portals together.

Sit in ceremony together.

Journey deep together.

Witness and BE WITNESSED.

The membership includes –

  • A monthly two-hour virtual medicine ceremony, every 2nd Wednesday at 5:30p pst / 7:30p ct / 8:30p et. (Membership fee is $50/month. Drop-in rate for these ceremonies is $80.)

  • A monthly one-hour integration circle every 4th Wednesday of the month at 5:30p pst / 7:30p ct / 8:30p et. This is a sharing circle intended to support the integration of the medicine journey as well as the medicine of our life events. 

  • Access to a growing library of journey videos, playlists, and meditation tracks to support your personal practice. Every medicine journey will be recorded and added to the library for all who cannot attend live, or who desire to access the healing frequencies of that journey again.

  • All members cut to the front of my waitlist and receive priority consideration for any of my private healing programs – Death/Rebirth Mentorship program, Inner Child Somatic Root Microdosing+ program, and Sacred Mushroom Macro Journey programs. I only take 1-2 clients a month for each of these programs so space is very limited.

  • All members receive a 10% members discount to any of my private healing programs.

Join the membership for $55/month.

Receive Support + Pay it Forward

Not only are you receiving support from the community, you are also GIVING SUPPORT TO THE COMMUNITY through your monthly membership dues. 

100% of the proceeds from this membership go to a scholarship fund for private healing programs.

I’m so grateful to be walking with so many souls that share my love for the medicine and exploring their healing and consciousness. It brings me a lot of joy to be able to create this shared safe space with y’all.

May this group walk heart first into any space in their lives, guided by love and compassion, lit by purpose and the enchantment that is this gift of human life.

With love and gratitude,
